REBIM proud to partner up with Assystem at WNE
What is WNE?
The WNE World Nuclear Exhibition is a leading event for the global nuclear community. With about 350 exhibitors mainly from Europe, the USA and Russia the event constitutes an important business-orientated platform. As nuclear energy is a business of global interest, several participants of the exhibition should take the opportunity to exchange knowledge and skills in order to find complex solutions for the nuclear future.
The WNE in Paris took place from Tuesday, 26. June to Thursday, 28. June 2018. Our Managing Director Andrew Holt attended and had some exciting news for the REBIM Team; first it was consultancy, now it’s full partnership: Assystem will now include REBIM technology as one of its engineering solutions for its clients.
REBIM helps to rejuvenate processes
Dr Robert Plana, Assystem’s Chief Technology Officer, has insisted on taking the company’s digital offer to a whole new level as to “rejuvenate the Systems engineering processes and methods” and that’s fully justified given the complexity of its clients’ projects: we’re talking here about whole nuclear plant facilities for instance.
The Building Information Modelling (BIM) web application enables entire project teams to navigate through 3D Models, access their equipment data in a handful of actions while providing any user with a customizable dashboard, giving an overview of any project at a single glance.
Bringing reliability and concision back together, REBIM includes from the most focused monitoring of live IoT data to the broadest Business Intelligence metrics overview.
Scalability is key
Assystem’s variety of engineering solutions must be backed by a scalable digital support and that’s what REBIM offers to the group’s customers.
Be it predictive maintenance for nuclear sites management, structure analysis for public transportation or managing spare parts shipping, Assystem will collaborate with REBIM to always have a better apprehending of the customer’s needs and providing a full-range and user-friendly digital open data solution.
“We created REBIM out of our need for a more reliable, user-friendly BIM tool.
Now we're offering it to other professionals.”
Andrew Holt