REBIM® & TfGM Case Study : BIM to Operations & Maintenance Environment
This BIM case study will look at how Transport for Greater Manchester (TfGM) took on their first 3D BIM project handover with REBIM®. As well as facilitating a successful handover, REBIM® also equipped TfGM with the longer-term benefits of understanding the value of data and a robust asset information model.
“The take up of BIM within the construction community is gathering pace and there are many examples across industry where integration of asset information within the 3D model is achieved to a high standard. What is less well developed is the process of transferring the information rich “digital twin” into the operations and maintenance environment. “
“Working with REBIM® helped us to understand the importance of a robust asset information model to support the mapping of the construction model to the operational model.
Successful migration of the construction model to the REBIM® platform enabled us to experience its power as a highly effective tool for rapid access to drawings, documents and structured information”
BIM Case Study in the Public Sector
Since Manchester’s Metrolink began operation in 1992, it has expanded into the UK’s largest light rail network. Services now run on 7 lines to 93 stops and cover over 60 miles, and construction is underway to expand the network further to Trafford Park.
The £350 million Trafford Park line is expected to launch in 2020 and will see 6 new stops that link some of Manchester’s busiest visitor destinations; from the Wharfside stop at the edge of Trafford Park through to the Intu Trafford Centre.
As part of the wider development, the Crumpsall Metrolink stop is being upgraded as it will receive a much more frequent service once the Trafford Park line is running.
Using BIM at Project Stage
The Crumpsall upgrade is the first 3D BIM project to be undertaken by TfGM.
During the design process and on-going construction work, the project teams have been using data rich 3D models. These combine documents, non-graphical data and the graphical 3D model.
For TfGM to have access and use of the digital asset going forward, the BIM data from the project stage needs to be transferred into an operations and maintenance environment.
BIM for Owner Operators
Since July 2018, REBIM® have been working with TfGM to facilitate a smooth, secure handover of the Proposal for the improvements at Crumpsall from project stage to asset management stage.
Drawing upon their experience, REBIM® have been able to organise and validate the project phase data to ensure that all the information is correctly transferred and readily accessible for TfGM.
This included advising on the most appropriate way to add missing data, as well as applying additional ‘Asset Code’ data to the various 3D models providing consistency with the client’s asset maintenance systems. This data was then compiled to common IFC ‘OpenBIM’ files as the data handover format.
The project will be set up in the Owner Operator area of REBIM® with the correct systems/zones and discipline settings applied to documents, and any relevant data joins between 3D model assets and documents also applied to create the ‘Digital O&M’.
After a training day on how to manage and access the data in REBIM®, TfGM will have continued use of the 3D models as a digital asset in a simple to use environment.
This is a huge step forward for TfGM who have previously been working mostly in 2D without the benefits that an integrated information model can provide.
Paving the way for Future BIM Projects
Whilst the key outcome of this project was to help shape the data received, the effects will be much more long term.
By facilitating a successful handover with the Crumpsall project, REBIM® have helped TfGM to better understand the value of data. Going forward, they will be able to use this initial project as a demonstrator to inform them how to specify the handover information on future projects.
“Working with REBIM® helped us to understand the importance of a robust asset information model to support the mapping of the construction model to the operational model.
Successful migration of the construction model to the REBIM® platform enabled us to experience its power as a highly effective tool for rapid access to drawings, documents and structured information” – Matthew Hack, (formerly) Asset Manager
Wider Implementation of REBIM® for TfGM
After a successful first project, TfGM are in talks with REBIM® about the next stage of the Trafford Park Line which is due for completion in 2020.
Now that TfGM have a better understanding of how the data from the project stage transfers to asset management, they can engage with the supply chain much earlier on.
By being involved from as early on as the design development stage, they will be able to better inform the contractor to provide validated data that will promote a smooth handover further down the line.
This is fantastic news for REBIM® who hope that by delivering on business needs, a long and successful relationship will prosper between themselves and TfGM.